Getting Started!
Thank you so much for your interest in B.M.S. Pet Sitters. Getting started with us is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Take a look at the steps below and let us know if you have any questions.
1. Call us at (843) 324-5491
The first step in the process is to give us a call so that way we can figure out if we’re the best fit for your needs based on services that you need and the area of town that you live. After our call, if it looks like we can service you then we can move on to step #2.
2. Download Your Paperwork
I know, nobody really likes to fill out paperwork but I assure you this is information that we need to ensure the best possible care for your pets. All you have to do is head over to the downloads page, print the documents up and have them filled out so we can go over them at your in-home consultation.
3. Schedule Your FREE In-home consultation
Once your paperwork has been completed, you’ll call us back so we can schedule your FREE in-home consultation. During the consultation, I’ll meet and interact with your pets. We’ll also go over the paperwork and any other questions that you may have.